Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rocky Mountain Horse Expo

Going to go and play at the Horse Expo today. I haven't been for several years. Probably just as well that I don't have much money to spend today, this is the kind of place that you can spend a lot on junk that you don't need. Fortunately for me, about 90% of the exhibits are either for western riders, natural horsemanship followers or people who want to upgrade their facilities. The other 10% is stuff I want and don't need. Fun anyway.

Friday, March 5, 2010

the gem show

I had a nice day today, had lunch with a friend and then went to the gem show. She has a retail license so we were able to get into the wholesale section where we found that there were better prices for some things on the other side, but we had mostly checked things out so we knew. We ended up at the same table as last year. Great buys on lots and lots of beads. The gem show is so egalitarian; everything from high end jewelry set with precious gems to pretty beads for a couple of dollars a strand. I stay in the lower end and still managed to get some beautiful goldstone and amethyst and citrine and calcite. It will make very pretty necklaces. Some of them will end up on my Etsy site at Tapestry Art
The store is empty right now, I took everything down and I am re-doing it. That's on my to-do list for this weekend.
The show is fun but exhausting. It is jammed with people and the vendors can't sell stuff fast enough. No recession in sight today. I only buy a strand here and there, but I am the exception, most people seemed to be buying by the bushel basket. Hopefully there are enough customers to go around.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

this poor blog...

It gets picked up and put down like an old shoe. Shoved in the closet, dragged out and overused, neglected again for months.
For exactly that reason I think I will keep it around. I have quite a few blogs that have a specific focus and just roll along. This one started with political ranting, morphed into looking for projects to do a year ago, then dissolved into general chat. Now it has sat abandoned for months and here I am again.
Yes, I like this little blog, I am going to keep it. Now, what shall I do with it for the next little while?